All Classes and Interfaces

Class wrapping the body and the headers of an AMQP message.
Allow to given an order to the Registered extensions.
Trace level for H2 database.
Provide a DataSource as an JUnit 5 extension
Utility class used to convert the body of AMQP Delivery to POJO and reverse.
Methods to be implemented by an embedded broker.
Model matching a version of Flyway migration.
Receiver injectable by the extension WithRabbitMock.
Intermediate builder for mocked consumer.
Intermediate builder for mocked consumer.
Mocked sender injectable by the extension WithRabbitMock.
Publisher build from MockedSender to simply publish an AMQP message.
Publisher created by MockedSender to publish a RPC request.
Set of documents used to initialize a collection with data.
Class wrapping an embedded AMQP broker provided by Apache QPID.
RelationalDataSet<T extends org.jooq.TableRecord<T>>
Allow to aggregate String Var Args in junit parameterized Test
This extension depends on a DatasourceExtension and runs a Flyway migration on the related DB catalog.
Builder for WithDatabaseLoaded
Provide a DSLContext for the Unit Test
Allow to launch en Embedded Mongo DB
Allow to launch en Embedded Redis DB
Extension used to initialize a Flyway history in a database.
Builder class for WithFlywaySchemaHistory extension.
Allow to create an H2 in-memory database.
Extension allowing to initialize a mongo database with data.
Builder for the extension class WithMongoData.
Allow getting a Jackson ObjectMapper in Tests.
Allow to build a more complex ObjectMapper with Module and Mixin
Allow getting a rabbit broker in tests.
Allow to build a Channel rabbit
This extension allows you to load test data into a previously created database.